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RAFS - User's Guide

User's Guide
Last updated: 5 November, 2002

Step 1

Before using or connecting to a robot, you must have a user ID and password for the robot. To obtain these items, please contact a School of Engineering robot administrator.


Step 2

Once you have obtained a user ID and password, you will need to download two programs. To get the two programs, point your web browser to solar.cs.siue.edu/vncviewer.exe. You can either download or simply open the program.


Step 3

Start the vncviewer program and when prompted for a server the following:

This action will log you into a Unix GUI client. You will then be prompted for your solar username and password. If successful you will see the following:

Step 4

You must now find out what port number you are using. There are a few ways to do this. First, you can look at the top of the screen, in the windows part of the title bar. If your port number is there, simply use that number. If it is not, click on the terminal icon (the computer screen with a foot in front of it, third icon from the right). A new terminal window will appear. At the prompt type “who” and look for your login name. You will then see what port number your session is on.

motykowp dtremote Nov 5 16:03 (solar:11)


Step 5

You are now almost ready to connect to a robot. At the terminal prompt type:

xhost + speedybot.soe.siue.edu


Step 6

Now, at the terminal window type:

ssh speedybot.soe.siue.edu

You will then once again be prompted for your password. Once the following prompt comes up on the terminal window: [<user-id>@speedybot <user-id>] type the following:

export DISPLAY=solar.cs.siue.edu:<port-number>


Step 7

Type the following at the command prompt:

sudo acts –c rafs

The “-c” is for a predefined configuration file. You will then have to enter your password.


Step 8

Now you can start the Saphira client. At the command prompt, go to the rafsDriver folder, then type rafsDriver to load all appropriate libraries and to start Saphira. After you have executed the last statement, you will see a screen like the following:


Step 9

To disconnect from the robot, first click the Connect->Disconnect option from the Saphira window and then File->Exit. Second, exit out of all open terminals by typing exit. You have now closed all console windows and connections to the robot.


Step 10

Click on the foot in the lower left hand corner, and select the Log Out option. Once you have done these steps you will have successfully logged out of all severs and robots.