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RAFS - Releases


Release 1:

In the first release, we are planning to get the robot to wander around the room aimlessly (without running into anything), and beep when it recognizes a chair. We are also going to implement some movement with the chair. This will basically consist of the chair already being grasped (manually), with an object positioned in front of the robot and chair. We are going to try to get the robot to move around the chair. Peter will lead the work on the color recognition using image processing, and J.D. will help him. Brad will head the research in getting the robot to randomly move around the room, with Matt assisting him. We will also need a contingency plan for robot complications. Although we will start the research for localization in this release, it will not be implemented until Release 2. A schedule of each person's task for this release is as follows (Brad - Green, Matt - Red, Peter - Gray, J.D. - Blue, Entire Group - White):


Release 2:

In the second release, we are planning on knowing where all the desks are. By knowing where all the desks are, we are required to use localization, which will be most of this phase. In addition to localization, we will also see how much time is needed to figure out how to grasp the chair. Another item we will be addressing in this module is putting a chair away. For this release, we will assume we have a chair grasped, and put it in the slot. By putting a chair in an empty slot, we will find out how accurate the chair can be. A map of 2029 need to be constructed by the robot for any localization to take place. We will also attempt to solve the problems associated with moving with a chair. Of course we will work on a coding and algorithm document and an initial user's guide. A schedule of each person's task is as follows (Brad - Green, Matt - Red, Peter - Gray, J.D. - Blue, Entire Group - White):


Release 3:

In the third release, we are planning on bringing releases one and two together. We will also program the gripper to grasp the chair automatically, along with devising an andvanced algorithm for moving while the chair is grasped. This is also our major debugging phase. We must come up with a few documents after our project is done as well. A schedule of each person's task is as follows (Brad - Green, Matt - Red, Peter - Gray, J.D. - Blue, Entire Group - White):