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Things that went well

On the whole, this project seemed to go very well from start to finish as far as development and meeting deadlines are concerned. Some of this can be attributed to our regular meeting schedule.

Second, the fact that the SIUE School of Engineering now has two Pioneer robots helped greatly. During the first semester of senior project, our robot “broke down” and had to be sent back to the manufacturer in Connecticut. Having two robots this semester avoided that calamity.


Things that went bad

This is a difficult section to write. Most of the problems that were encountered have been covered already. One more can be added though. When we began this project, we had intentions of developing and testing our code in Windows with the robot simulator (both software packages that we all had on our home computers), however, the most recent distribution of Saphira at that time would not compile on a Windows machine. Most of this problem has been fixed now.

So in retrospect, some of our code could have been more refined if we had a Saphira distribution that could compile code to be tested on a Windows Simulator.