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RAFS - Contingency

Coding/Algorithm Design Document

Wander Algorithm

The wander module is fairly simple to follow. It calculates a random X, Y position in the room.


Object Recognition Algorithm

The Chair movement module was written in order to avoid an obstacle blocking the robots path using sonar readings while pushing a chair. Once around the obstacle the robot is to make its way back to the original path and orientation. For this module, we are using three sonar boxes one in front, left, and right to detected the obstacle. (Also, it should be noted that the robot is in constant motion until the module is exited.)


Chair Gripping Algorithm

The rafsGripChair module starts once the Object Recognition module has finished execution. Two conditions can be made at this point: the chair leg is directly in front, or it is not. These conditions are described in this part.


Object Avoidance Algorithm

The rafsObjAvoid module starts once the chair has been gripped. This module implements obstacle avoidance using the robot’s laser. The laser fields are set up using the getClosestBox function which defines the corners of a box (field) to check for objects. A field is set up on each side of the robot, and if any object enters that field (or conversely if the robot travels in a direction where it is about to collide with an object), the robot adjusts its heading to avoid the object and once clear of obstacles resets its heading to the nearest path to place the chair. The module finishes when the chair is placed in its proper (predefined) location (empty desk).