

The following are educational resources and modules I have created for use in courses. Feel free to use them.

Intro to Parallelism: http://www.cs.siue.edu/~marmcke/docs/introToParallelism/

A basic introduction to parallel programming using pthreads and OpenMP.

CyberGIS Learning Modules: http://www.cs.siue.edu/~marmcke/docs/cybergis/

Modules introducing spatial computation problems and computing using the mapReduce framework and MongoDB.


Generally, I teach undergraduate and graduate classes in databases, systems, computer architecture, and data structures. I also frequently teach independent study courses (contact me if you are interested). Independent study courses are generally set up to introduce students to doing research with me, and can be undergrad or grad classes.

Course materials are hosted on blackboard: https://bb.siue.edu/