Office | Phone | Url | |
EB3040 | 650.2396 | | |
What | When | Time | Where | TA |
CS140.001 (C++) | MWF | 10:00-11:45 | EB 1170 | |
O.H | MW | 09:00-10:00 | EB 3040 | |
By Appointment | EB 3040 |
Term | Course | Description | When | Where | Register |
Spring 23 | GUI | Python GUI/Visualization | R 13:00-15:00 | EB 2029 | Canceled |
Spring 22 | Python | Python Programming | OL | Zoom |
Course | Title | Syllabus | Notes | Examples |
CS140.001 | Introduction to Computing I | syllabus | notes | 2019.08.18 examples |
CS145.001 | Introduction to Computing for Engineers | syllabus | notes | 2014.12.01 examples |
CS150.001 | Introduction to Computing II | syllabus | notes | 2020.05.01 examples |
CS234.001 | Database and Web Development | syllabus | notes | 2020.05.01 examples |
CS240.001 | Introduction to Computing III | syllabus | notes | 2020.05.01 examples |
CS275.001 | Interaction Programming | syllabus | notes | 2015.03.02 examples |
CS312.001 | Introduction to Computer Organization | syllabus | notes | 2013.12.04 examples |
cs390.001 | Advanced Java Programming | syllabus | notes | 2014.11.24 examples |
CS390.001 | VB.NET Programming | syllabus | notes | 2014.11.24 examples |
CMIS142.001 | Visual Basic Programming | syllabus | notes | 2013.12.04 examples |
Learning Series: iOS | iOS/Swift Development | syllabus | notes | 2015.07.16 examples |