SIUE Spatiotemporal Data Research and Education Laboratory

The SIUE GeoForAll Lab is housed in Department of Computer Science at the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, IL, USA (38.7917, -90.0009). We are part of the GeoForAll research and educational laboratory network, a global network of labs and organizations committed to the idea of geo for all. Geo for all is an outreach effort associated with the The Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

Our mission is (i) to drive fundamental research in spatiotemporal data modeling, management, and analysis, (ii) provide access to research, software, and technologies through the creation of free and open source software libraries and freely available educational modules, and (iii) support and develop collaboration opportunities around geospatial research and education.


Open Source Software

PySpatioTemporalGeom: An open source, python library implementing algorithms and operations over regions and moving regions. The easiest way to use the package is to use pip install pyspatiotemporalgeom. See the paper Pyspatiotemporalgeom: A Python Library for Spatiotemporal Types and Operations for a description of aspects of the library. If you use this package to support a publication, please consider citing that paper. For details, see the package link below.

Parallel Plane Sweep: Two implementations of the plane sweep algorithm, a quadratic implementation using vectors and a linearithmic implementation using an AVL tree. Both versions can be run on a single thread, or multi-threaded on a shared memory platform. See the paper Multi-core parallelism for plane sweep algorithms as a foundation for GIS operations [] for details. If you use this code to support a publication, please consider citing that paper. Source code is open source.

Learning Modules

CyberGIS Learning Modules: Modules introducing spatial computation problems and computing using the mapReduce framework and MongoDB.

Indices and tables