Learning Series - Python

What's this about?

Welcome to the Learning Series on Python course. For those not familiar with my Learning Series, it's basically a series of courses I offer for free to students on special topics. This semester it is in Python.

This is not a University offered course, so there is no credit to be earned, or official registration you have to go through.

How do I participate?

Due to the ongoing pandemic and social distancing efforts, this course will be conducted online in a synchronous modality. We will meet each Wednesday from 3 to 5 pm. A zoom link is both on the flyer I sent out and on my website.
If you would like to join the zoom session, then great. If not, you can still go through the course on your own time and pace by following the discussion topics I have posted on my website.

Note on discussion topics

The link to the course on my website gives you access to a TOC of topics I plan to cover/discuss. This list may be altered as the term goes on, so treat it as a minimum set. If we are all having fun, who knows then, we may cover other interesting topics.
I will be using a preferred IDE (Visual Studio Code), but you may use whatever else you like that works for you. I am however going to introduce Notebooks, which VSC supports rather nicely, so you may want to try this editor out. If nothing else it is free and easy to use.

At the end of the TOC is a zip file of all the notebooks you may download and use along as you learn about the various topics. This is the interactive mode if you will. If you want or prefer a more static experience, then just follow each discussion page (.html). I will follow the interactive mode during our Wednesday sessions.

Closing remarks

Python is available as a free download, if not on your system already (Mac, Unix), or online with no hassles. So, although you may begin learning about Python without having to install it or any IDE, I will actually have you do both.

[TOC] [File System]