Source code for pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities.mapLibrary

#    Copyright (c) 2014 Mark McKenney
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from pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities import segLibrary

[docs]def breakSegsAndPreserveSegLabels( segs, la, lb ): ''' `segs` is a list of segments that defines cycles. It is of the usual format: [((x1,y1),(x2,y2)), ... , ((xn,yn),(xm,ym))] `la` and `lb` are lists of **integers**, are parallel to `segs`, and carry label infromation for the area *above* (la) and *below* (lb) its associated seg. #. Each cycle is assumed to be a well-formed, simple cycle. #. Each cyle is assumed to carry a **unique label**. #. Segments can be in ANY order in `segs`, just as long as the list is parallel to `la` and `lb` #. `la` and `lb` are parallel to `segs`. If the interior of the cycle lies above the segment, then `la` will have the cycle's labeland `lb` will have a value of `0`. Vice versa if the interior of the cycle lies below the segment. Note that a cycle may correspond to a *hole geometry* within a region, in which case the cycle will be labeled such that the cycle label lies on the *exterior* of the cycle. #. Segments from one cycle can intersect segments from another cycle, but indeividual cycles are simple (non-self intersecting) The basic idea is to label a bunch of cycles using, for instance `hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles()`, then just append them all to a segment list and label lists, and call this function. Note that duplicate segments are maintained with their original labels. Therefore, this function can be used to break segments intersecting segments between cycles, then simply retrieve the individual cycles by label number. **Input:** #. `segs`: a list of segments. It is assumed that the segments form simple cycles. Each simple cycle is well formed. Segments from different cycles can intersect. #. `la`: a list of labels indicating if the interior of a cycle lies above the corresponding segment. `la` is parallel to `lb` and `segs` #. `lb`: same as `la`, but indicates if the interior of a cycle lies below the corresponding segment. **Output:** #. a list of segments. No two segments in the list will intersect in thier interiors. The only exception is that overlapping segments from the input will be duplicated. One instance of the overlapping seg will exist for each cycle that contains the seg. #. a list of above labels #. a list of below labels ''' # step 0. make sure the segs have least point first segs = [ s if s[0] < s[1] else (s[1],s[0]) for s in segs] # step 1. Sort the segs. Make sure we keep the labels associated with the appropriate segs. zippedInput = zip( segs,la,lb) zippedInput.sort( ) segs, la, lb = zip(*zippedInput) #print 'input segs appended and sorted\n', segs,'\n',la,'\n',lb # step 2. Compute the intersection points between segs intersectPois = segLibrary.calcIntersectionPoints( segs ) #print 'pois\n', intersectPois # step 3. Build the resulting segments #right now, the construct segs function handles labels a little weird because segLibrary.calcIntersectionPoints # was implemented in too specific a manner. Until we fix that, we need to replace the colinear labels with # their original values newIntersectPois = [] for poi in intersectPois: newIntersectPois.append( (poi[0], (poi[1][0], poi[1][1]), la[ poi[0] ], lb[ poi[0] ] ) ) #print 'new Pois\n', newIntersectPois segs, la, lb = segLibrary.constructSegsWithLabels( newIntersectPois, segs, la, lb ) #x = segLibrary.constructSegs( newIntersectPois, segs ) #labeledSegs = zip( segs, la, lb) #labeledSegs.sort() #segs, la, lb = zip( *labeledSegs) return segs, la, lb
[docs]def createMapFromCycles( segs, la, lb ): ''' .. warning #. This function assumes that no two segments in `segs` intersect in thier interiors EXCEPT for pairs of segments that are equal. That is, if two cycles share a portion of a boundary, those segs are dupicated for each cycle that shares a boundary; furthermore, each duplciate is labeled for its associated cycle #. The exterior label is `-1` #. `la` and `lb` are lists of *integers* To enforce point 1 above, simply use the `breakSegsAndPreserveSegLabels()` function. `segs` is a list of segments that defines cycles. It is of the usual format: [((x1,y1),(x2,y2)), ... , ((xn,yn),(xm,ym))] `la` and `lb` are lists of **integers**, are parallel to `segs`, and carry label infromation for the area *above* (la) and *below* (lb) its associated seg. The purpose of this function is to create a map from a collection of individual cycles, so two cycles may overlap. Because we are creating a map, the idea is to treat the input cycles as imposing a spatial partition on the embedding space. This function will assign to each region in that partition the labels of all cycles that cover that region. Thus, an area covered by 2 cycles will carry the labels of both of those cycles. It is assumed that input segments have correct labeling. **Input:** #. `segs` a list of segs in the format [ ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)), ... ,((xn,yn),(xm,ym))]. The segs form cycles. **Segments cannot intersect each other, excet for overlapping segs where two cycles share a boundary**. #. `la` a list of labels that is a parallel list to the segments (item 0 in la corresponds to item 0 in lb corresponds to item 0 in segs, etc). #. `lb` a list of labels that is a parallel list to the segments (item 0 in la corresponds to item 0 in lb corresponds to item 0 in segs, etc). `la` and `lb` are lists of integers. It is assumed each cycle simply has a single integer as a label for this function **Returns:** #. A list of segs forming a map #. Parallel la and lb arrays with label IDs corresponding to the segs #. A dictionary to translate label indexes in the la and lb arrays to a set indicating all input labels for all input cycles that cover the corresponding region. .. warning:: This function assumes that the **exterior** is labeled with `0` ''' # steps 1-3 in creating the map occur in `breakSegsAndPreserveSegLabels( segs, la, lb ):` # step 4. At this point, we have all the broken segs with their original labels. The last part is to simply combine the labels. # this is done, basically, with a point in poly test for each segment. the labels for a segment are adjusted based on the labels # of all segments that lie directly below it. # we will use a hash table to map ids of collections of labels to collections of labels index2LabelDict =dict() label2IndexDict = dict() labelSet = set( la+lb ) nextIndex = max( labelSet ) + 1 # put the exterior label with all interiors. This just makes the computations a little easier for l in labelSet: labelWithExterior = frozenset([l])|frozenset([-1]) index2LabelDict[l] = labelWithExterior label2IndexDict[labelWithExterior] = l #create label lists for returning (so we don't clobber the original lists) retLa = list( la ) retLb = list( lb ) #print nextIndex for i in range( len( segs) ): labelCountsDict = dict() aboveKnown = set() belowKnown = set() # print '***', segs[i],index2LabelDict[ la[i]],index2LabelDict[lb[i]] for j in range( len(segs ) ): adjustLabels = False if i == j: continue s = segs[i] r = segs[j] if abs(r[0][0]- r[1][0])<0.0000000001 : #skip verticals for R. continue # print '-', segs[j],index2LabelDict[ la[j]],index2LabelDict[lb[j]] if s == r: # s and r are identical, but have different indexes # merge the labels accordingly aboveKnown = aboveKnown | index2LabelDict[la[j]] belowKnown = belowKnown | index2LabelDict[lb[j]] adjustLabels = True elif s[0] == r[0]: # share a left end point if segLibrary.isLeftTurn( r[0], r[1], s[1] ) == 1: # s is above r (they share a left end point) # adjust S's labels accordingly # the below label gets all the above labels from R # the above label gets all the below labels from R that are not in the above labels of S intAboveLabels = index2LabelDict[la[j]] - index2LabelDict[lb[j]] intBelowLabels = index2LabelDict[lb[j]]- index2LabelDict[la[j]] for label in intAboveLabels: if label not in labelCountsDict: labelCountsDict[label] = 0 labelCountsDict[label] += 1 for label in intBelowLabels: if label not in labelCountsDict: labelCountsDict[label] = 0 labelCountsDict[label] -= 1 adjustLabels = True elif r[0][0] <= s[0][0] and s[0][0] < r[1][0]: # r spans s's left point if segLibrary.isLeftTurn( r[0], r[1], s[0] ) == 1: # s is above r. #adjust S's labels accordingly intAboveLabels = index2LabelDict[la[j]] - index2LabelDict[lb[j]] intBelowLabels = index2LabelDict[lb[j]]- index2LabelDict[la[j]] for label in intAboveLabels: if label not in labelCountsDict: labelCountsDict[label] = 0 labelCountsDict[label] += 1 for label in intBelowLabels: if label not in labelCountsDict: labelCountsDict[label] = 0 labelCountsDict[label] -= 1 adjustLabels = True # now we have collected the openings and closings for all segs below this one closeLabelSet = index2LabelDict[lb[i]] - index2LabelDict[la[i]] # update closelabelset with known labels (from overlapping segs) closeLabelSet = closeLabelSet | ( belowKnown - aboveKnown) newLabelSet = set() for label in labelCountsDict: if labelCountsDict[label] > 0: #we found an interior that extends up to or over this seg newLabelSet = newLabelSet | set([label]) # the new below set will be everything that was on the old below labels, plus everything in the new label set # don't forget known labels from overlapping segs newBelowSet = frozenset( newLabelSet | belowKnown | index2LabelDict[lb[i]]) # the new above set will be everything in the old above set, plus the things in the new label set - closed labels newAboveSet = frozenset( index2LabelDict[la[i]] | ( (aboveKnown|newLabelSet)-closeLabelSet) ) # finally, update the dicttionaries and indexes. if newBelowSet in label2IndexDict: retLb[i] = label2IndexDict[ newBelowSet ] else: retLb[i] = nextIndex index2LabelDict[nextIndex] = newBelowSet label2IndexDict[newBelowSet] = nextIndex nextIndex += 1 if newAboveSet in label2IndexDict: retLa[i] = label2IndexDict[ newAboveSet ] else: retLa[i] = nextIndex index2LabelDict[nextIndex] = newAboveSet label2IndexDict[newAboveSet] = nextIndex nextIndex += 1 # remove the exterior label from all interiors for key in index2LabelDict: item =index2LabelDict[key] #print item if len(item) > 1: index2LabelDict[key] = item - frozenset([-1]) # remove duplicates finalSegs = zip( segs, retLa, retLb) finalSegs = list( set( finalSegs) ) segs, retLa, retLb = zip(*finalSegs ) #print 'index2LabelDict\n', index2LabelDict #print 'label2IndexDict\n', label2IndexDict return segs, retLa, retLb, index2LabelDict