Source code for pyspatiotemporalgeom.region

#    Copyright (c) 2014 Mark McKenney
#    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
#    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
#    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
#    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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#    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
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import pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities.segLibrary as segLibrary
import pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities.hsegLibrary as hsegLibrary
import pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities.regionOverlayGrid as grid
import struct

[docs]def pointInPolygon(x, y, poly): ''' Point in polygon test. Works for complex regions (multiple faces, holes, faces in holes, etc.) **Input:** + x: the X value of the point to be tested + y: the Y valu of the point to be tested + poly: a list of 2D segments in the usual format: :math:`((x1,y1),(x2,y2))` **Output:** + boolean value. `True` if the point is **in** the polygon **OR** if the point is **on** the boundary. `False` otherwise Note, this may be sensitive to floating poitn rounding errors, might need to allow some tolerance in the left hand turn test. ''' results = [] inside = 0 for s in poly: if s[0][1] == s[1][1]: continue if s[1] < s[0]: s = (s[1], s[0]) if s[0][0] <= x and s[1][0] > x and segLibrary.isLeftTurn(s[0], s[1], (x,y)) <= 0: inside += 1 return inside % 2 != 0
[docs]def getRandomIntegerRegion( numRandomSegsToGenerate = 50, percentOfSegsToRemove = .05 ): ''' The output of this function will have INTEGER coordinates. This constraint greatly increases the computation time of this function. In general, the non-integer version is much faster, and is fine for most uses. generates a region from random segments. input: **numRandomSegsToGenerate**: the number of random segs to generate. The actual region will have many fewer segs than this. Higher numbers will typically generate more complex regions. The region will be constructed by intersecting the reandom segs, and finding a region among the resulting segs. **percentOfSegsToRemove**: Once random segments are generated and intersected such that all segments only intersect at endpoints, some segments will be removed at random. This parameter indicates the percentage of overall segs that will be removed. A higher number typically causes regions to have less regular shapes. Note that a high percentage may require a larger number of random segs to be generated. returns: **hsegs**: an ordered list of half segments with valid labels. A **half segment** is a tuple with the following: ((x,y)(x,y), labelAbove, labelBelow) labels are integral values an interior label will be positive. An exterior label will be -1. The side of the hseg on which the interior (exterior) of the region lies will have an interior (exterior) label. hsegs will be ordered in half segment order Each cycle in hsegs will have its own unique label number ''' if numRandomSegsToGenerate == None: numRandomSegsToGenerate = 50 if percentOfSegsToRemove == None: percentOfSegsToRemove = .05 #random.seed() # got a bunch of random segs with integer endpoints segs = segLibrary.createRandomSegs( numRandomSegsToGenerate ) # find their intersections, but make sure endpoints are integers segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegsIntEndPoints(segs) #randomly remove some of the segs segs = segLibrary.removeRandSegs( segs, percentOfSegsToRemove ) # create a region, favoring large (as in... containing lots of segments) cycles hsegs = hsegLibrary.extractAllLargeValidCycles( segs ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def getRandomRegion( numRandomSegsToGenerate = 50, minBound=0, maxBound=10000, percentOfSegsToRemove = .05 ): ''' generates a region from random segments. input: **numRandomSegsToGenerate**: the number of random segs to generate. The actual region will have many fewer segs than this. Higher numbers will typically generate more complex regions. The region will be constructed by intersecting the reandom segs, and finding a region among the resulting segs. **percentOfSegsToRemove**: Once random segments are generated and intersected such that all segments only intersect at endpoints, some segments will be removed at random. This parameter indicates the percentage of overall segs that will be removed. A higher number typically causes regions to have less regular shapes. Note that a high percentage may require a larger number of random segs to be generated. returns: **hsegs**: an ordered list of half segments with valid labels. A **half segment** is a tuple with the following: ((x,y)(x,y), labelAbove, labelBelow) labels are integral values an interior label will be positive. An exterior label will be -1. The side of the hseg on which the interior (exterior) of the region lies will have an interior (exterior) label. hsegs will be ordered in half segment order Each cycle in hsegs will have its own unique label number ''' if numRandomSegsToGenerate == None: numRandomSegsToGenerate = 50 if percentOfSegsToRemove == None: percentOfSegsToRemove = .05 #random.seed() # got a bunch of random segs with integer endpoints segs = segLibrary.createRandomSegs( numRandomSegsToGenerate, minBound, maxBound ) # convert to floats segs = [((float(s[0][0]),float(s[0][1])), (float(s[1][0]), float(s[1][1])) ) for s in segs] newSegs = [] for s in segs: if s[0] < s[1]: newSegs.append( s ) else: newSegs.append( (s[1],s[0]) ) segs = newSegs # find their intersections segs = grid.breakSegments( segs ) #segs = segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegs(segs) #randomly remove some of the segs segs = segLibrary.removeRandSegs( segs, percentOfSegsToRemove ) # create a region, favoring large (as in... containing lots of segments) cycles hsegs = hsegLibrary.extractAllLargeValidCycles( segs ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def createRegionFromSegs( segs ): ''' Constructs a well formed region from an input set line segments. input: **segs**: a list of line segments in the format [((x1,y1),(x2,y2)),((x3,y3),(x4,y4)),...] Intersecting segments will be broken at intersection points. If not cycle is present, no region will be returned. returns: **hsegs**: an ordered list of half segments with valid labels. A **half segment** is a tuple with the following: ((x,y)(x,y), labelAbove, labelBelow) labels are integral values an interior label will be positive. An exterior label will be -1. The side of the hseg on which the interior (exterior) of the region lies will have an interior (exterior) label. hsegs will be ordered in half segment order Each cycle in hsegs will have its own unique label number ''' if segs == None or len(segs) == 0: return [] segs = [((float(s[0][0]),float(s[0][1])), (float(s[1][0]), float(s[1][1])) ) for s in segs] newSegs = [] for s in segs: if s[0] < s[1]: newSegs.append( s ) else: newSegs.append( (s[1],s[0]) ) segs = newSegs segs = grid.breakSegments( segs ) #segs = segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegs( segs ) hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( segs ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def createRegionFavorLargeCyclesFromSegs( segs ): ''' Behavior is similar to *createRegionFromSegs*, however, *createRegionFromSegs* will tend to return many smaller cycles if given input with many intersecting segments. This function will tend to return fewer larger cycles. One side effect of this is that no two cycles will share an endpoint in the resulting region returned from this function. In other words, all cycles are disjoint, although cycles may be inside other cycles. ''' if segs == None or len(segs) == 0: return [] newSegs = []; for s in segs: if segLibrary.poiComp( s[0], s[1] ) == 1: s = (s[1], s[0] ) if( s[0] != s[1] ): newSegs.append( s ) segs = newSegs segs = grid.breakSegments( segs ) #segs = segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegs( segs ) return hsegLibrary.extractAllLargeValidCycles( segs )
[docs]def getOuterCycle( hsegs ): ''' extracts the leftmost outer cycle from a region (the first one encountered in halfsegment order) input: **hsegs**: a well formed region represented as a list of halfsegments. output: **hseg list**: a well formed region represented as a list of halfsegments. The region will contain a single cycle and no holes (i.e., a *simple* region). ''' if hsegs == None or len(hsegs) == 0: return [] return giveUniqueLabelToEachCycle( hsegs, True )
[docs]def giveUniqueLabelToEachCycle( hsegs, getOnlyOuterCycle = False ): ''' takes an input region, and alters its interior labels such that each individual cycle in the region has its own unique interior label number. Cycles that share a point (cycles that touch at a point) also have their own cycle numbers. If the second argument is true, only the leftmost outer cycle will be returned input: **hsegs**: a well formed region as a list of halfsegments **getOnlyOuterCycle**: default value = False. If set to True, will return only a single cycle; the leftmost outer cycle in the region output: **hseg list**: a well-formed region represented as a list of halfsegments. Each minimal cycle will have a unique interior label number, ''' if hsegs == None or len(hsegs) == 0: return [] segs = [h[0] for h in hsegs if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( segs, getOnlyOuterCycle ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def createCountPartition( segList, laList, lbList ): ''' **NOTE**. The output of this function is automatically written to a file. see the source code... Creates a spatial partition from a set of regions. Each resulting segment will also have a label that indicates how many region interiors (from the original set of regions) lies above and below the segment. So, we essentially get a heat map of vector regions. Each segment in a cycle in the resulting partition will have the same interior label (for the interior of the cycle), since that cycle represents the area covered by a fixed numeber of input regions. **ASSUMPTIONS** 1. segList contains line segments representing a set of well-formed regions 2. laList and lbList are parallel arrays with segList indicating the labels of their associated segment. 3. laList and lbList contain values of 1 and -1 (1 for interior, -1 for exterior) 4. See the following paper for details: M. McKenney, B. Olsen, "Algorithms for Fundamental Spatial Aggregate Operations Over Regions," BIGSPATIAL at 21st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 2013, Orlando, FL, USA. input: **segList**: A list of line segments representing a SET of well formed regions. To generate this set from a 2 hseg representations, you would extract the segs from each hseg list, and then concatenate them into a single list. **laList**: a list of label values. The first value corresponds to the above label of the first segment in the seg list, the second corresponds to the second segment in the segList, etc. MUST HAVE A VALUE OF -1 (exterior) or 1 (interior). **lbList**: Similar to laList, but representing the label (whether the interior or extior of the associated region) lies below the segment. MUST HAVE A VALUE OF -1 (exterior) or 1 (interior). ''' if segList == None or laList == None or lbList == None or len( segList )== 0 or len( laList ) == 0 or len( lbList ) == 0 or len(segList) != len( laList ) or len( segList ) != len( lbList ) or len( laList) != len( lbList ): return [],[],[] sr,la,lb = segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegs( segList, laList, lbList ) # write the results to a file outfile = open( 'zcountIntermediateNon_Rob_Check.txt','w' ) for i in range( len( sr ) ): seg = sr[i] s=struct.pack('>d', seg[0][0] ) hexx1 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in s) # get hex vals from bin string s s=struct.pack('>d', seg[0][1]) hexy1 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in s) # get hex vals from bin string s s=struct.pack('>d', seg[1][0]) hexx2 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in s) # get hex vals from bin string s s=struct.pack('>d', seg[1][1]) hexy2 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in s) # get hex vals from bin string s #output the line to the new file outfile.write( hexx1 + ' ' + hexy1 + ' '+ hexx2 + ' ' + hexy2+' ' + str(la[i]) +' '+str(lb[i])+ '\n') outfile.close() print zip( sr, la, lb) print 'done intersections' s,la,lb = segLibrary.countInteriors( sr, la, lb) return s,la,lb
[docs]def union( hsegs1, hsegs2 ): ''' Computes the union of two well formed regions. Assumes that hsegs1 and hsegs2 are valid regions, for instance, they have been created with def createRegionFromSegs. regions are assumed to have valid labelling. This function will relabel them to compute the union input: **hsegs1**: a well formed and properly labeled region. **hsegs2**: a well formed and properly labeled region. output: an hseg list consisiting of the union of the input regions. ''' if hsegs1 == None: hsegs1 = list() if hsegs2 == None: hsegs2 == list() if len( hsegs1 ) == 0: return hsegs2 if len( hsegs2 ) == 0: return hsegs1 if len(hsegs1) == 0 and len( hsegs2) == 0: return [] # get the segs segs1 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] segs2 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # get the bboxs s1maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s2maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) # check for overlap in x AND y direction if not( (s1maxx >= s2maxx and s1minx >= s2maxx) or ( s1maxx <= s2minx and s1minx <= s2minx) or (s1maxy >= s2maxy and s1miny >= s2maxy) or ( s1maxy <= s2miny and s1miny <= s2miny)): # get the broken segs resultSegs1, resultSegs2 = segLibrary.segIntersection( segs1, segs2 ) # get the regions hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs1 ) hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs1 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs2 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs2 ) # keep just the left hsegs hsegs1 = [h for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] hsegs2 = [h for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # union will keep all hsegs out of the other or on with matching interabove s1, la1, lb1 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs1 )] s2, la2, lb2 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs2 )] # keep the ones out of the opposing region resultSet = set(); resultSet |= segLibrary.keepOuterBoundary( s1, la1, lb1, s2, la2, lb2 ) resultSet |= segLibrary.keepOuterBoundary( s2, la2, lb2, s1, la1, lb1 ) # make a region out of it resultList = list( resultSet ) hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultList ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs ) else: resultList = list() for s in segs1: resultList.append( s ); for s in segs2: resultList.append( s ) resultSet = set( resultList ) resultList = list( resultSet ) # create the region this code copied from createRegionFromsegs, minus the seg intersection function call hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultList ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def difference( hsegs1, hsegs2 ): ''' NON-symmetric difference. for R1 and R2, defined as R1 - (R1 \cap R2). Regions are asssumed to have valid labelling. this function will return a properly labeled region input: **hsegs1**: a well formed and properly labeled region. **hsegs2**: a well formed and properly labeled region. output: an hseg list consisiting of the difference of the input regions. ''' if hsegs1 == None or len(hsegs1) == 0: return [] if hsegs2 == None or len(hsegs2) == 0: return hsegs1 # get the segs segs1 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] segs2 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # get the bboxs s1maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s2maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) # check for overlap in x AND y direction if not( (s1maxx >= s2maxx and s1minx >= s2maxx) or ( s1maxx <= s2minx and s1minx <= s2minx) or (s1maxy >= s2maxy and s1miny >= s2maxy) or ( s1maxy <= s2miny and s1miny <= s2miny)): # get the intersection hsegsInter = intersection( hsegs1, hsegs2 ) if len( hsegsInter ) == 0: return hsegs1 # now do the difference # get the segs segs1 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] segs2 = [ h[0] for h in hsegsInter if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # get the broken segs resultSegs1, resultSegs2 = segLibrary.segIntersection( segs1, segs2 ) # get the regions hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs1 ) hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs1 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs2 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs2 ) # keep just the left hsegs hsegs1 = [h for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] hsegs2 = [h for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # union will keep all hsegs out of the other or on with matching interabove s1, la1, lb1 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs1 )] s2, la2, lb2 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs2 )] # keep the ones out of the opposing region resultSet = set(); resultSet |= segLibrary.keepOuterBoundary( s1, la1, lb1, s2, la2, lb2, False ) resultSet |= segLibrary.keepInnerBoundary( s2, la2, lb2, s1, la1, lb1, False ) # make a region out of it resultList = list( resultSet ) hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultList ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs ) else: return hsegs1
[docs]def intersection( hsegs1, hsegs2 ): ''' Assumes that hsegs1 and hsegs2 are valid regions, created with def createRegionFromSegs. regions are assumed to have valid labelling. This function will relabel them to compute the intersction input: **hsegs1**: a well formed and properly labeled region. **hsegs2**: a well formed and properly labeled region. output: an hseg list consisiting of the intersection of the input regions. ''' # check for empty input if hsegs2 == None or len(hsegs2) == 0: return list() if hsegs1 == None or len( hsegs1) == 0: return list() # get the segs segs1 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] segs2 = [ h[0] for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # get the bboxs s1maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s1miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs1 for x in y] ) s2maxx = max( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2minx = min( [x[0] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2maxy = max( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) s2miny = min( [x[1] for y in segs2 for x in y] ) # check for overlap in x AND y direction if (s1maxx >= s2maxx and s1minx >= s2maxx) or ( s1maxx <= s2minx and s1minx <= s2minx) or (s1maxy >= s2maxy and s1miny >= s2maxy) or ( s1maxy <= s2miny and s1miny <= s2miny): return list() # get the broken segs resultSegs1, resultSegs2 = grid.overlayHalfsegmentInput( hsegs1, hsegs2) #f = open( 'zzztmpout1.txt','w') #resultSegs1.sort() #for s in resultSegs1: # x = str( s[0][0][0] ) + ' ' + str( s[0][0][1] ) + ' ' + str( s[0][1][0] ) + ' '+ str( s[0][1][1]) + ' ' +str( s[1] ) +' ' # if s[2]: # x = x + '1' + '\n' # else: # x = x + '0' + '\n' # f.write( x ) #f.close() #f = open( 'zzztmpout2.txt','w') #resultSegs2.sort() #for s in resultSegs2: # x = str( s[0][0][0] ) + ' ' + str( s[0][0][1] ) + ' ' + str( s[0][1][0] ) + ' '+ str( s[0][1][1]) + ' ' +str( s[1] ) +' ' # if s[2]: # x = x + '1' + '\n' # else: # x = x + '0' + '\n' # f.write( x ) #f.close() #resultSegs1, resultSegs2 = segLibrary.segIntersection( segs1, segs2 ) finalResult = [] # keep segs from r1 that are in r2 for s in resultSegs1: if s[1] == 1 and not s[2]: finalResult.append( s[0] ) # keep segs from r2 that are in r1 for s in resultSegs2: if s[1] == 1 and not s[2]: finalResult.append( s[0] ) #for s in finalResult: # print s # keep ON segs if interioBelow flag is the same onSegsr1 = [s for s in resultSegs1 if s[2] ] onSegsr2 = [s for s in resultSegs2 if s[2] ] onList = list( set(onSegsr1) & set(onSegsr2) ) #print 'onlist' for s in onList: #print s[0] finalResult.append( s[0] ) print 'done final' #f = open( 'zzztmpout.txt','w') #finalResult.sort() #for s in finalResult: # x = str( s[0][0] ) + ' ' + str( s[0][1] ) + ' ' + str( s[1][0] ) + ' '+ str( s[1][1]) +'\n' # f.write( x ) #f.close() # build halfsegments hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( finalResult ) hsegs = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs ) print 'done hsegs' return hsegs # get the regions hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs1 ) hsegs1 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs1 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultSegs2 ) hsegs2 = hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs2 ) # keep just the left hsegs hsegs1 = [h for h in hsegs1 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] hsegs2 = [h for h in hsegs2 if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) ] # union will keep all hsegs out of the other or on with matching interabove s1, la1, lb1 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs1 )] s2, la2, lb2 = [ list(z) for z in zip(* hsegs2 )] # keep the ones out of the opposing region resultSet = set(); resultSet |= segLibrary.keepInnerBoundary( s1, la1, lb1, s2, la2, lb2 ) resultSet |= segLibrary.keepInnerBoundary( s2, la2, lb2, s1, la1, lb1 ) # make a region out of it resultList = list( resultSet ) hsegs = hsegLibrary.labelUniqueCycles( resultList ) return hsegLibrary.switchLabelsForCorrectCycleLabelling( hsegs )
[docs]def writeRegionToFile( theRegion, theFileName ): ''' Write the region to a file. file will be a text file. Floating point rounding WILL happen in the float to text conversion. Only use this if floating point rounding is OK (for instance, for visualizing the region). The resulting file will have 1 halfsegment per line. Both left and right halfsegments are written. The file will have the following format: x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 la lb ... input: **theRegion**: A list of halfsegments **theFilename**: the name of the file that will be written. ''' theFileObject = open( theFileName, 'w') for h in theRegion: if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) or h[0][0] == h[0][1]: s1 = str( h[0][0][0])+' '+str(h[0][0][1])+' '+str( h[0][1][0])+' '+str(h[0][1][1])+' '+ str(h[1])+' '+ str(h[2]) +' ' + '\n' theFileObject.write( s1 ) theFileObject.close()
[docs]def writeRegionToHexFile( theRegion, theFileName ): ''' Write the region to a file in HEXADECIMAL FORMAT. Meant to be a more portable file with a format that is easy to read and process in any programming language. NOTE that endianness is NOT checked for! file will be a text file. Floating point values are represented as hexadecimal, and thus, are represented EXACTLY in floating point format. Use this if you need the exact floating point values. The resulting file will have 1 halfsegment per line. Both left and right halfsegments are written. The file will have the following format (except each floating point number will be in hexadecimal format labels are just represented as text): x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 la lb ... input: **theRegion**: A list of halfsegments **theFilename**: the name of the file that will be written. ''' theFileObject = open( theFileName, 'w') for h in theRegion: if hsegLibrary.isLeft( h ) or h[0][0] == h[0][1]: x1 = struct.pack('>d', h[0][0][0]) hexx1 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in x1) y1 = struct.pack('>d', h[0][0][1]) hexy1 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in y1) x2 = struct.pack('>d', h[0][1][0]) hexx2 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in x2) y2 = struct.pack('>d', h[0][1][1]) hexy2 = ''.join('%.2x' % ord(c) for c in y2) s1 = hexx1 + ' ' + hexy1 + ' ' + hexx2 + ' ' + hexy2 + ' ' + str(h[1]) + ' ' + str(h[2]) + ' ' + '\n' theFileObject.write( s1 ) theFileObject.close()