Source code for pyspatiotemporalgeom.intervalRegion

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Code to define and manipulate interval regions


from pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities import segLibrary
from pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities import triangleLibrary
import pyspatiotemporalgeom.region as region
import traceback

[docs]def getRegionAtTime(intervalRegion, time): ''' Extract a region from an interval region. **Input:** + `intervalRegion`: a valid interval region. For example, one generated with + `time`: A time value (floating point number) **Output:** + a list of segments where segments have the type: :math:`((x1,y1),(x2,y2))`. The segments will form a valid region. ''' tri = intervalRegion lineSegs = [] min_time = 0.0 max_time = 0.0 time1 = 0.0 time2 = 0.0 time3 = 0.0 calculatedDiff = 0.0 x1 = 0.0 x2 = 0.0 y1 = 0.0 y2 = 0.0 triangle = tri[0] time1 = triangle[0][2] time2 = triangle[1][2] time3 = triangle[2][2] # get min and max time min_time = min(time1, time2, time3) max_time = max(time1, time2, time3) # take care of the edge cases if time == min_time: for t in tri: if t[0][2] == min_time: lineSegs.append(( (t[0][0], t[0][1]), (t[1][0], t[1][1]) )) return lineSegs if time == max_time: for t in tri: if t[0][2] == max_time: lineSegs.append(( (t[0][0], t[0][1]), (t[1][0], t[1][1]) )) return lineSegs if max_time < time or min_time > time: print("Invalid time range for triangle") return lineSegs # get time difference timeDiff = max_time - min_time # get scaled time; the result is a percentage e.g.) 0.10 multiplier = round((time - min_time) / float(timeDiff), 2) for t in tri: s1 = (t[2], t[0]) s2 = (t[2], t[1]) if t[0][2] < t[2][2]: #make sure lower z value is 1st in the seg s1 = (t[0], t[2]) s2 = (t[1], t[2]) x1 = ((s1[1][0] - s1[0][0]) * multiplier) + s1[0][0] y1 = ((s1[1][1] - s1[0][1]) * multiplier) + s1[0][1] x2 = ((s2[1][0] - s2[0][0]) * multiplier) + s2[0][0] y2 = ((s2[1][1] - s2[0][1]) * multiplier) + s2[0][1] # add line segment lineSegs.append(((x1, y1), (x2, y2))) return lineSegs
from pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities import regionInterpolator
[docs]def interpolateRegions(region1, region2, startTime, endTime, noTriIntersectionChecks=False): ''' This is just a wrapper that calls ``pyspatiotemporalgeom.utilities.regionInterpolater.interpolate()``. The documentation for that function is copied here: This is where the magic happens. Create an interpolation between two well-formed regions over a time interval (defined by ``startTime`` and ``endTime``) such that at every instant within that time interval, the region resulting from the interpolation at that instant conforms to the type definition of complex regions as defined in [1]. Note that the various region generators and region creation functions int he file create well formed regions according to [1]. In otherwords, the moving region resulting from this function conforms to the type definition of moving regions in [2]. This function is an extension of the algorithm in [3] to handle both simple (1 simple cycle with no holes) regions and complex regions. [1] Markus Schneider and Thomas Behr. 2006. Topological relationships between complex spatial objects. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31, 1 (March 2006), 39-81. DOI=10.1145/1132863.1132865 [2] Ralf Hartmut Guting, Michael H. Bohlen, Martin Erwig, Christian S. Jensen, Nikos A. Lorentzos, Markus Schneider, and Michalis Vazirgiannis. 2000. A foundation for representing and querying moving objects. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 25, 1 (March 2000), 1-42. DOI=10.1145/352958.352963 [3] Mark McKenney and James Webb. 2010. Extracting moving regions from spatial data. In Proceedings of the 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS '10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 438-441. DOI=10.1145/1869790.1869856 Input: 1. r1, r2: two well formed regions represented as lists of hlafsegments. Any of the region creation functions in will do. 2. startTime, endTime: two numbers defining a time interval. These numbers are used as the 3D dimension when extrapolating into 3D space. 3. noTriIntersectionChecks. See paper [3]. The algorithm first creates an interpolation between the input regions. It is possible that the interpolation will result in a self-intersecting region at some point. The triangle/triangle intersection test is then performed. This test is very computationally intensive (especially for python) and can take a LONG time to compute. If you pass a ``True`` for this argument, the tri/tri intersection test is skipped, and the interpolation returned AS-IS (possibly with self-intersections). This makes the algorithm :math:`O(n \lg n)` instead of :math:`O(n^2)`. Output: A 3-tuple. See [3]. The algorithm will create at MOST, 3 interval regions to describe the interpolation of r1 to r2 over the defined time interval. Not all 3 interval regions are always required, so 1 or 2 of the values in the tuple may be ``None``, but a 3 tuple is ALWAYS returned. If the ``noTriIntersectionChecks`` argument is set to ``True``, or the original interpolation succeeds, then the return value will look like this: ``(None, triList, None)``. Any non-``None`` value in the return tuple will be a list of trinagles describing the movinement of line segments in r1 as they travel across the defined interval to r2 (between intermediate states of r1 and r2 if necessary). ''' return regionInterpolator.interpolate(region1, region2, startTime, endTime, noTriIntersectionChecks)
[docs]def getTemporalCoverageGeometriesAndTimes(intervalRegion, endPoints = None): ''' Compute temporal coverage geometries and their associated times. Currently, only constructs point geomoetries, but this will change in future releases. See the following paper for details: M. McKenney, R. Frye, Z. Benchly, and L. Maughan, "Temporal Coverage Aggregates Over Moving Region Streams." IWGS at 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, November 2014, Dallas, TX, USA f **Input:** + intervalRegion: A list of triangles such that triangles have the format: :math:`((x1,y1,z1),(x2,y2,z2),(x3,y3,z3))` and :math:`z1=z2`. The triangles must form a valid interval region; for example, an interval region returned by the function: pyspatiotemporalgeom.intervalRegion.interpolateRegions(region1, region2, startTime, endTime, noTriIntersectionChecks=False) ( **Output:** A `dict()` mapping points to a list of durations that the particular point is covered by the interval region (if the duration is non-zero) ''' DEBUG = False #MM project out of time triangles = intervalRegion projectedSegs = [] for tri in triangles: projectedSegs.append(((tri[0][0], tri[0][1]), (tri[1][0], tri[1][1]))) projectedSegs.append(((tri[0][0], tri[0][1]), (tri[2][0], tri[2][1]))) projectedSegs.append(((tri[1][0], tri[1][1]), (tri[2][0], tri[2][1]))) #MM get the min and max Z values zList = [tri[0][2] for tri in triangles] zList.extend([tri[1][2] for tri in triangles]) zList.extend([tri[2][2] for tri in triangles]) zSet = set(zList) # get min and max z values minIntervalTime = min(zSet) maxIntervalTime = max(zSet) minZ = minIntervalTime - 1 maxZ = maxIntervalTime + 1 # get non intersecting segments NonIntersectingSegs = segLibrary.calcNonIntersectingSegs(projectedSegs, None, None) if endPoints == None: endPoints = [] # MM end points should just be end points. lets call things what they are for x in NonIntersectingSegs: endPoints.append((x[0][0], x[0][1])) endPoints.append((x[1][0], x[1][1])) #MM get rid of duplicate points (using a set) endPoints = list(set(endPoints)) #MM now we have the end points. lets make the rays rays = [] for e in endPoints: rays.append(((e[0], e[1], minZ), (e[0], e[1], maxZ))) #MM now we have the end points and rays. lets print them out if DEBUG: raysFile = open('zrays.txt', 'w') for r in rays: raysFile.write(str(r[0][0]) + ' ' + str(r[0][1]) + ' ' + str(r[0][2]) + ' ' + str(r[1][0]) + ' ' + str( r[1][1]) + ' ' + str(r[1][2]) + '\n') raysFile.close() epFile = open('zendPoints.txt', 'w') for e in endPoints: epFile.write(str(e[0]) + ' ' + str(e[1]) + ' ' + str(e[0]) + ' ' + str(e[1]) + '\n') epFile.close() #MM Now we do the ray triangle intersection #MM first find ALL intersection points intersectionPoints = [] for ray in rays: # for all rays, we need to keep the intersection points at the temporal boundaries. # This allows to test if a ray pierces the interior of an intervel boundary region # without intersecting a traingle. So, for every ray, just add those at the beginning. # duplicate points get removed later. intersectionPoints.extend([(ray[0][0], ray[0][1], minIntervalTime), (ray[0][0], ray[0][1], maxIntervalTime)]) for tri in triangles: result = triangleLibrary.verticalSegment3DAndTriangle3DIntersection(ray, tri) if len(result) > 0: intersectionPoints.extend(result) #MM remove duplicates intersectionPoints = list(set(intersectionPoints)) #MM sort them. results in points sorted by time intersectionPoints.sort() if DEBUG: print '\n\nINTERPOINTS\n', intersectionPoints #MM last thing. We are getting some intersection point duplicates due to rounding errors. Remove those # JM - this is a problem with trying to get time for the sorted points list keepList = [intersectionPoints[0]] for p1 in intersectionPoints: p = keepList[len(keepList) - 1] if p[0] == p1[0] and p[1] == p1[1] and (p1[2] - p[2] <= 0.0000001 and p1[2] - p[2] >= -0.0000001): continue keepList.append(p1) # end for loop intersectionPoints = keepList if DEBUG: print '\n\nkeep points\n', intersectionPoints #MM HERE IS WHERE THE BIG WORK BEGINS. # for each pair of intersection points that match on X and Y, and are temporally adjacent in Z, # get a point in between the Z vals. # Extract the region at that Z val # perform point in poly # JM - start here with the refactor # get the appropriate points. We will use a tuple that contains: # the X,Y values of the point, the Z val to do the point in poly test at. The zVals of the adjacent points. testList = [] for i in range(len(intersectionPoints) - 1): p = intersectionPoints[i] p1 = intersectionPoints[i + 1] if p[0] == p1[0] and p[1] == p1[1]: # would show multiple times with different z values # print p testList.append((p[0], p[1], (p[2] + ((p1[2] - p[2]) / 2)), p[2], p1[2])) if DEBUG: print '\n\ntestList: \n:', testList if DEBUG: print 'Point in polygon on all points\n\n' pointToTimeDict = getPointToTimeDictionary(triangles, testList) # MM -- The geometry calculations work until here. At this point, the problem seems that the ray/tri intersections returned incorrect Z values for many intersections. # MM -- Fixed above line. There were some ordering issues and calculation issues in getRegionAtTime and at the seg3d/verticalseg3d intersection function. fixed now. if DEBUG: # MM print the dict! print '\n\nTotalTimes:' for x in pointToTimeDict.items(): print x print '\n\n' triFile = open('ztriFile3d.txt', 'w') # JM append triangles to file for tri in triangles: s = str(tri[0][0]) + ' ' + str(tri[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[0][2]) + ' ' + str(tri[1][0]) + ' ' + str( tri[1][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[1][2]) + '\n' triFile.write(s) s = str(tri[0][0]) + ' ' + str(tri[0][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[0][2]) + ' ' + str(tri[2][0]) + ' ' + str( tri[2][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[2][2]) + '\n' triFile.write(s) s = str(tri[1][0]) + ' ' + str(tri[1][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[1][2]) + ' ' + str(tri[2][0]) + ' ' + str( tri[2][1]) + ' ' + str(tri[2][2]) + '\n' triFile.write(s) triFile.write('E\n') # JM append all test points to file for point in testList: print 'here ', point s = str(point[0]) + ' ' + str(point[1]) + ' ' + str(point[2]) + ' ' # JM incremented the points by 2 so they show up on the 3D plot s += str(point[0] + 2) + ' ' + str(point[1] + 2) + ' ' + str(point[2] + 2) + '\n' triFile.write(s) triFile.close() return pointToTimeDict
[docs]def maxPointCoverage(points): ''' This returns the point or points with the maximum coverage time. **Input:** + `points`: the points to be checked **Output:** + a list of points that cover the maximum coverage ''' maxPoints = [] maxValue = 0 for item in points: if (item[1][0] >= maxValue): maxValue = item[1][0] for item in points: if (item[1][0] == maxValue): maxPoints.append[item] return maxPoints
[docs]def minPointCoverage(points): ''' This returns the point or points with the minimum coverage time. **Input:** + `points`: the points to be checked **Output:** + a list of points that cover the minimum coverage ''' minPoints = [] minValue = 0 for item in points: if (item[1][0] <= minValue): minValue = item[1][0] for item in points: if (item[1][0] == minValue): minPoints.append[item] return minPoints
[docs]def findWhatLineIntersectionPointBelongsTo(points, segs): ''' Figures out what points come from what segments **Input:** + `points`: List of points to check + `segs`: List of segments **Output:** + a list of points that pass the collinear value tests ''' passedPoints = [] for point in points: for seg in segs: # left turn check collinearValue = segLibrary.collinearValue(seg[1], seg[2], point) # check collinearValue if collinearValue >= -0.0001 and collinearValue <= 0.0001 \ and min(seg[1][0], seg[2][0], point[0]) != point[0] \ and max(seg[1][0], seg[2][0], point[0]) != point[0]: passedPoints.append((seg[0], point)) # JM - remove duplicates sortedPoints = list(set(passedPoints)) return sortedPoints
[docs]def getPointToTimeDictionary(tris, intersectionPointList, DEBUG=False): ''' Appends time with corresponding points and returns the points as a dictionary (if the points pass the polygon test) **Input:** + `tris`: + `intersectionPointList`: List of intersection points **Output:** + a dictionary of intersection points with times ''' # MM HERE -- actually do the point in poly tests and count up the time covered. testPoints has everything we need # check time before or after calculation pointToTimeDict = dict() for i, point in enumerate(intersectionPointList): # JM get list of line segs at the time specified (point[2]) lineSegs = getRegionAtTime(tris, point[2]) # JM test the point inOrOut = region.pointInPolygon(point[0], point[1], lineSegs) if DEBUG: # now we output some points and some polys to test: tmpFile = open('zpip' + str(inOrOut) + str(i) + '.txt', 'w') print '----', i, inOrOut, lineSegs tmpFile.write(str(point[0]) + ' ' + str(point[1]) + ' ' + str(point[0]) + ' ' + str(point[1]) + '\n') for s in lineSegs: tmpFile.write(str(s[0][0]) + ' ' + str(s[0][1]) + ' ' + str(s[1][0]) + ' ' + str(s[1][1]) + '\n') tmpFile.close() # if test passes, add up time if inOrOut == True: if point not in pointToTimeDict: pointToTimeDict[(point[0], point[1])] = [] pointToTimeDict[(point[0], point[1])].append((point[4] - point[3])) return pointToTimeDict