Parallel Plane Sweep  0.1
Shared memory multithreaded version of the plane sweep algorithm
activeListVec Member List

This is the complete list of members for activeListVec, including all inherited members.

alHsegEQ(const halfsegment &h1, const halfsegment &h2)activeListVecinline
alHsegLT(const halfsegment &h1, const halfsegment &h2)activeListVecinline
erase(const halfsegment &h1, const int index)activeListVecinline
erase(const halfsegment &h1)activeListVecinline
exists(const halfsegment &h1, halfsegment &theCopy, int &index)activeListVecinline
find(const halfsegment &h1)activeListVecinline
getAbove(const halfsegment &h1, halfsegment &theAbove, const int index)activeListVecinline
getAbove(const halfsegment &h1, halfsegment &theAbove)activeListVecinline
getBelow(const halfsegment &h1, halfsegment &theBelow, const int index)activeListVecinline
getBelow(const halfsegment &h1, halfsegment &theBelow)activeListVecinline
insert(const halfsegment &h1, bool &duplicate, halfsegment &theDup, int &segIndex)activeListVecinline
replace(const halfsegment &h1, const halfsegment &newH1)activeListVecinline
replace(const halfsegment &h1, const halfsegment &newH1, const int index)activeListVecinline