CS447 / Course Home Page

CS447 Networks and Data Communications
Fall, 2023 (SECTION 003)

This is the home of CS447 Computer Networks, Spring 2024 (SECTION 002)

Instructor: Dr. Hiroshi Fujinoki
Office: EB 2067
Office Phone: 650-3727
E-mail: hfujino@siue.edu
Instructor's HP: www.siue.edu/~hfujino
Notice: when you are sending me e-mail, please specify "Network" in the subject field of your e-mail.

Office Hours:

For any non-urgent issues, please try to drop by my office during my office hours.

Class Meeting Room: EB-1170
Class Meeting Days: T and R
Class Meeting Time: 2:00-3:15 p.m. (for T and R)

Required textbook:

Title: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Addison-Wesley Data and Computer Communications
Edition: Seventh Edition
Authors: James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
ISBN: 9780133594140

Course Objectives:

This course is an undergraduate level introduction to computer networks. There are three primary objectives in this course. The first objective is to acquire fundamental knowledge about underlying mechanisms in today's computer networks. The second objective is to become proficient in essential network programming technique using socket interface with TCP/IP through programming projects. The third objective is to be familiar with theoretical methods to analyze system performance of various aspects in today's computer networks.

Course Syllabus:

Course Syllabus is available here (MS Word version).

Course Project:

To be announced in the class.

Reference books for our project:

(1) For Win-32 Environment:
Title: Programming Winsock/Book and Disk
Edition: N.A.
ASIN: 0672305941

Author: Arthur Dumas
Publisher: SAMS Publishing (http://www.samspublishing.com)
You can buy a used-copy from Amazon.com.

Editorial Reviews (Quoted from amazon.com):

This tutorial provides coverage of the WinSock Library, which is one of several Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA) standards being used to add TCP/IP connectivity to applications. "Disk includes source code, 16-bit and 32-bit executable programs, and shareware programs. All major vendors of TCP/IP protocol stacks for Windows 3.1 use WinSock. Shows how the WinSock Library makes software programs network aware". Covers Version 1.1 for Windows 3.11 & Windows NT.

(2) For UNIX Environment:
Title: UNIX Network Programming
Edition: 1st edition (January 23, 1990)
ISBN: 0139498761

Author: W. Richard Stevens
Publisher: Prentice Hall (URL: www.prenhall.com/stallings)
You can buy a used-copy from Amazon.com.

Editorial Reviews (Quoted from amazon.com):

Focuses on design, development, and coding of networking software under the UNIX operating system. Begins by showing that a fundamental basic for networking programming is inter-process communication (IPC), and a requisite for understanding IPC is a knowledge of what constitutes a process. Throughout, the text provides both description and examples of how and why a particular solution is implemented.

The above two books will be available at the library.

Helpful hints to avoid plagiarism:

Here is a list of links to SIUE's definition for plagiarism (I got this in an e-mail from SIUE). Prevention is always better than cure. Please everyone take a look.

How to contact the instructor?

There are two ways to contact Dr. Fujinoki:

(1) Through e-mail: You can contact the instructor by e-mail. E-mail: hfujino@siue.edu
(2) Drop-by during the office hours.
(3) By appointment (please send e-mail to Dr. Fujinoki).

Past Exams

For the first midterm exams (sample and real exam questions):

For the second midterm exams (real exam questions):
For the final exams (real exam questions):

Notice: The subjects covered in each semester were different. Some of the questions that appear in the past exams may not appear, while some other questions that did not appear in the past exams could appear. Use your own judgement.

Past Quizzes and solutions:

Notice: The subjects covered in each semester were different. Some of the questions that appear in the past quizzes may not appear this semester, while some other questions that did not appear in the past quizzes could appear. Every student is responsible for reviewing and studying the subjects covered in this semester. The instructor will NOT loan the instructor's lecture note to anyone in the classroom.

Textbook Reading List:

Weekly Notices:

Final Exam Week:

Week 16:

Week 15:

Week 14:

Week 13:

Week 12:

Week 11:

Week 10:

Week 9:

Week 8:

Week 6:

    September 28 (lecture note):

      (3) Here are the execise questions (i.e., "CAT II questions") on October 2 (MS Word version).
      (2) Here are the PPT slides for switches and routers.
      (1) Here are the PPT slides for the LAN (Local Area Network) architecrures.

    September 26 (lecture note):

      (4) Here are the list of the UPDATED possible quiz questions for Quiz #6 (MS Word version).
      (3) Here are the PPT slides for GBN-ARQ.
      (2) Here are the PPT slides for ARQ (Automatic ReQuest) error control.
      (1) Here are the execise questions (i.e., "CAT II questions") on September 26 (MS Word version).

Week 5:

    September 21 (lecture note):

      (3) Here are the PPT slides for ARQ (Automatic ReQuest) error control.
      (2) Here are the execise questions (i.e., "CAT II questions") on September 21 (PART II) (MS Word version).
      (1) Here are the execise questions (i.e., "CAT II questions") on September 21 (PART I) (MS Word version).

    September 19 (lecture note):

      (2) Here are the PPT slide for the concept of "sliding window flow control".
      (1) Here are the list of the possible quiz questions for Quiz #6 (MS Word version).

Week 4:

    September 15:

      (3) Here is an instruction for how to compile the two smaple C/C++ source code files for Project #1 (MS Word version).
      (2) Here are the PPT slide for the assynchronous TX, parity error detections, bit errors, and framing errors.
      (1) Here are the PPT slide for the concept of "error control".

    September 14 (lecture note):

Week 3:

Week 2:

    August 31 (lecture note):

      (3) Here are the PPT slide for the concept of "error control".
      (2) Here are the execise questions (i.e., "CAT II questions") on August 22 (MS Word version).
      (1) Here are the PPT slides for the concept of packet encapsulation.

    August 29 (lecture note):

      (2) Here are the list of the possible quiz questions for Quiz #3 (MS Word version).
      (1) Here are the PPT slides for OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) seven-layer reference model.

Week 1:

    August 26:

      (2) Here are the partial solutions for Quiz #2 (Question #3 has been corrected/updated) (MS Word version).
      (1) Here are Quiz #1 grades as of 1:55 p.m.

    August 24 (lecture note):

      (1) Disability Support Services at SIUE requested me to make this annocuncement:

        Students who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the office of Disability Support Services as soon as possible. It is the students's responsibility to alert the instructor to SIUE sanctioned accommodations.

        If anyone needs assistance from SIUE Disability Support Services, please contact them.

    August 22 (lecture note):

      (3) Here are the list of the possible quiz questions for Quiz #2 (MS Word version).
      (2) Here are the PPT slides for switching networks.
      (1) Here are the PPT slides for the course introduction.

Last updated at 2:12 p.m., December 19, 2023.